Joeyanne’s Journal

This might be my first blog post on this blog but it's by no means my first blog post. I'm a natural reflector, in fact sometimes I reflect too much and overanalyse things. I'm also an oversharer and I strive to be as open, honest and transparent as I can. I like to share what I've learnt and what I'm learning, and one way I do that is through blogging.

I've recently come to realise that although I have specific blogs for certain purposes, I wanted a space where I can reflect on things in a more informal way – sharing resources, experiences, and ponderings about all sorts of different topics. This is how Joeyanne's Journal came about (welcome!).

I'm likely to be using this blog as a way to record some of the things I'm currently learning and the things occupying my thoughts, time, and energy. I hope that by doing it in this way it will act both as a record for me to look back on, and also a way to share with others (helping other people is really important to me). I'm likely to include some links to articles and videos with my thoughts about them, or perhaps some quotes that have got me thinking, or things I've learnt through my work, my reading, my conversations, or even my TV habits!

I'm currently living with depression and am finding journaling a useful tool to take stock, think more logically, and appreciate the good things in my life. I hope that by doing this publicly it might help others do similar activities for themselves or to learn from some of my own discoveries. If you find any of the posts of value to you, or have something you'd like to share on a similar topic, please do feel free to leave a comment on any of the posts or send me a message. My social media links are at the top of the blog; I'd love to hear from you šŸ™‚